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What's the Right time to change the Oil & Filter? Common Myths Busted 

A few freaks who wish to keep their vehicles in the best condition are particular about oil and filter changes. They prefer to change oil and filter occasionally, considering it will keep their vehicle safe. However, things are not the same at all. Your vehicle's performance isn't based on the frequency of oil and filter changes but on many other factors. 

However, we cannot ignore that changing your car's oil and filter in time does contribute to its maintenance. But knowing the right time to change the filter and oil is essential. You cannot keep spending money blindly or follow myths about changing a car's oil. 

The right time to Change the Oil and Filter 

Normally, the car manufacturer gives you a timeline for the oil change in its manual. For some vehicles, it can be 5000kms; for some, it can be even 8000kms. Sometimes, the range can be more or less. A few measures the oil change duration, like 3 to 6 weeks. Following the km unit for the oil change intervals is always a good idea. The vehicle's use for every user is different. Some vehicles hit the oil change mileage within one week, and some cannot hit the limit even after 5 to 6 weeks. So, you should stick to the mileage units mentioned by the manufacturing company for the oil change. 

Myths about the oil and filter change

Regarding oil change, several myths are penetrating in the circles. Everyone has an opinion about the oil change, and it's the reason you can hear several suggestions about it. Let's just a few that are entirely wrong among them. 

Get the filter changed with every oil change. 

Your filter doesn't require a change whenever you visit for an oil change. The technician will check out the filter's condition and suggest whether to change the filter. However, an oil change can happen on the scheduled date. 

Darker oil means bad oil. 

Engine oil burns and gets dark due to high-temperature combustion and absorbing the impurities. The darker tone of oil doesn't refer to its expiration at all. It means your oil is working fine and helping the engine to be in good shape. Changing the oil because its color is darker is not a good idea. You should stick to the mileage mark of the vehicle. 

Any vehicle oil work for every vehicle 

Never every vehicle has a different engine grade, capacity, and need. It's not possible to use a generic oil for all vehicles. You can find vehicle-graded oils in the marketplace. Most importantly, your vehicle manual mentions a suitable grade of engine oil for the car. It's essential to follow these guidelines and select an appropriate one. It will help you save your vehicle from severe damage. 

Bottom line 

Changing your car's oil and filter is essential for its maintenance. However, being obsessed with the practice is not good. You should know the essentials and basics of car oil change and then proceed with it. Knowing and avoiding a few myths can help you make a significant move in the car's maintenance.